Ki te Ao Mārama Homepage

"Tihei Mauriora, ki te Whaiao, ki te Ao Mārama. The breath, the energy of life and moving from darkness into the world of enlightenment"
The Māori story of creation tells how heaven and earth were embraced as Ranginui, the Sky Father, and Papatūānuku, the Earth Mother.
Within this embrace was the darkness - Te Kore and Te Pō, however the children of Ranginui and Papatūānuku yearned to free themselves and enter the world of light.
The youngest son, Tāne Mahuta drew upon all his strength and separated his parents, to allow light into the world for his siblings, humanity and all living beings to thrive – ka puta ki te Whaiao, Ki te Ao Mārama.
Ki te Ao Mārama represents the emergence of your child and whānau from uncertain and difficult times, into the light, where everyone moves forward in unity and with clarity of purpose.
Ki te Ao Mārama also supports and celebrates your child’s learning journey by providing practical ideas, resources and guidelines for you to use with your child at home.

Welcome to Ki te Ao Mārama.
Here are some practical advice, resources and information to support your child’s learning at home and outside the classroom.
It contains teaching and learning resources you can use with your child, to support their learning in te reo Māori at home.
It also provides practical advice about how to keep your whānau and loved ones safe and supported at home and outside the classroom.

Supporting your child’s learning at home
As a parent and caregiver, you are your child’s first teacher and learning happens anywhere and everywhere. Your home, your marae, your community spaces are all learning environments.
In the event of a closure, you are not expected to replace your child’s classroom teacher or convert your home into a classroom. Your child’s teacher will provide advice, support and guidance to help you with the ongoing learning and development for your child.
These resources are intended to help you support your child’s learning at home, and the learning programmes and activities that your child’s teacher has prepared.