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Tama Tū, Reo Ora – Te Petihana 1972

E whakanui ana a Te Tāhuhu i te 50 tau o Te Petihana Reo Māori. Ngā riponga wai , ko taiāniwhaniwha! Tirohia ngā kōrero o tōna ahunga mai.

Education celebrates 50 years of the Māori Language Petition. From a ripple in the water, now a tsunami!  Check out where it all began. 

Tama Tū, Reo Ora – Te Petihana 1972

I kawea Te Petihana Reo Māori ki te Pāremata i te 14 o Mahuru 1972, otirā i tautokona e ngā waitohu 30,000, e karanga ana kia uru he akoranga reo me te ahurea Māori i roto i ngā kura o Aotearoa.  I noho te petihana hei mumuratanga hōriri mō te whakarauoratanga o te reo Māori, otirā i tīmata te Kāwanatanga ki te whakauru i te reo Māori hei kōwhiringa i te kura tuatahi, tuarua hoki.  Tērā ētahi atu kaupapa whakarauora hoki i puta ake i te petihana, pēnei i Te Kōhanga Reo, te Kura Kaupapa me ngā mahi whakapāoho Māori.

Ko te kaupapa o Tama Tū, Reo Ora – Te Petihana 1972 he whakanui i te 50 tau mai i te kawenga o Te Petihana Reo Māori ki te pāremata.  E tuku āheinga ana ki Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga ki te whakanui i ngā tokatū moana mātauranga i pakanga kia whai tūranga ai te reo Māori i te ao mātauranga, me te whakanui i tā rātou hōmaitanga nui ki te whakarauoratanga me te whakakakenga o ngā wawata reo Māori o Te Tāhuhu.

More Info

The Māori Language Petition, supported by 30,000 signatories, was presented to Parliament on 14 September 1972, calling for courses in Māori language and culture to be offered in New Zealand schools. The petition became a pivotal flashpoint for the revitalisation of te reo Māori, leading to the Government introducing te reo Māori as an option in primary and secondary schooling. Other revitalisation initiatives also came out of the petition, including kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa and Māori broadcasting.

Tama Tū, Reo Ora – Te Petihana 1972, is about celebrating 50 years since the Māori Language Petition was presented to parliament. It provides an opportunity for the Ministry of Education to pay tribute to the education stalwarts that fought for te reo Māori to have a place in education and to acknowledge the contribution they have made to revitalising and furthering the Ministry’s te reo Māori aspirations.

Reo Ora Waiata

Waiatatia tēnei waiata nā Pere Wihongi rāua ko Hirini Melbourne i tito. E wātea ana ngā kupu hei whai māu.

Enjoy this waiata written and composed by Pere Wihongi and Hirini Melbourne, and sing along with the lyrics provided. 

Pakimaero Matihiko - Graphic Novel

E tūhura ana a Tama Tū, Reo Ora i te hītori o te reo Māori i Aotearoa, ina koa, Te Petihana Reo Māori o te tau 1972. Ka ako koe i ngā mōhiohio, ngā meka me ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te reo Māori, a Ngā Tamatoa, Te Reo Māori Society, te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa me te hītori o Aotearoa i roto i tēnei pakimaero waituhi me pukapuka matihiko.

I tua atu i te rauemi kōrero mō 'Te Petihana Reo Māori', he rauemi tā tēnei ka whakamahia i te taha o te rauemi matihiko.



More Info

Tama Tū, Reo Ora explores the history of the Māori language in New Zealand, and in particular, the Māori Language Petition of 1972. Learn information, facts and accounts with regard to the Māori language, Ngā Tamatoa, Te Reo Māori Society, the New Zealand Government and New Zealand history within this graphic novel.

It’s a printed resource that not only shares the ‘Māori Language Petition’ story, but can be used hand in hand with the digital resource and digital book.

Rārangi wā tēnei - Timeline

He rārangi wā tēnei o te hītori o te reo Māori i Aotearoa.  He tuhinga āpiti ki te pakimaero waituhi o Tama Tū, Reo Ora.

A timeline of the history of the Māori language in New Zealand. It is a supplementary document to the graphic novel Active People, Living Language. 



Ngā Kāri Ngohe - Activity Cards

He rauemi a Tama Tū, Reo Ora e takunetia ana mā ngā tauira 0-17 tau.  He kāri ngohe e hāngai ana ki te pakeke o te ākonga, ka whakamahia me te pukapuka, e aro ana ki ngā taumata katoa o te ECE, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa me te New Zealand Curriculum.

Active People, Living Language is a resource intended for students aged 0-17. These are age-appropriate activity cards to be used with the book, targeting all levels of ECE, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the New Zealand Curriculum.


Social Media - #ToaReo │ #ReoChampion

Ko te kaupapa whakatairanga pae pahopori o #ToaReo he wāhanga o te tāpaetanga a Te Tāhuhu ki Te Whakanuitanga 50 tau o te kaupapa Petihana Reo Māori.  Ko te kaupapa o te whakatairanga kia hau te rongo ki te "pakanga" i hua ai Te Petihana Reo Māori, te whakanui i ngā toa reo Māori, me te hika i te ahi i roto i ngā ākonga me ngā whānau ki te tīmata, ki te hāpai, ki te kōkiri rānei i te whakarauoratanga o te reo reo Māori i ngā pae ngāwari te uru atu, pēnei i te Facebook, te Instagram me te TikTok.

E hiahia ana mātou ki te akiaki i te iwi ki te toha me te tautapa i tā rātou #ToaReo ki ā mātou pae pāhopori kia kitea e te katoa, i ngā wāhi katoa hoki ngā tauira o ngā Toa Reo i ō tātou hapori!  Whakanui ngātahi me mātou te 50 tau mā te toha ko wai tō Toa Reo me te whakamahi i ngā tohumarau #ToaReo & #ReoChampion.

Kimihia, ā, ka Whai i a Pere, ki te whakaputa i tō #ToaReo | #ReoChampion: 

@pere.yonce on TikTok and Instagram.

Pere Wihongi on Facebook

#ToaReo │#ReoChampion Competition: Terms and Conditions – Education in New Zealand. 

More Info

The #ToaReo│#ReoChampion social media campaign is part of the Ministry’s contribution to the 50th Commemorations of the Māori Language Petition project. T

The purpose of the campaign is to bring awareness to the “fight” that led to the Māori Language Petition, celebrate toa reo Māori, and ignite a desire for ākonga, and whānau to begin, carry on or advance their revitalisation of te reo Māori on easily accessible platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. 

We want to encourage the nation to share and nominate their #ToaReo #ReoChampion on our socials so that everyone, everywhere can see and honour the examples of Reo Champions in our communities!

Celebrate 50 years with us by sharing who your Toa Reo is and using the hashtags #ToaReo & #ReoChampion.

Find and Follow Pere to share your #ToaReo | #ReoChampion:

@pere.yonce on TikTok and Instagram.

Pere Wihongi on Facebook

#ToaReo #ReoChampion Competition: Terms and Conditions – Education in New Zealand

Takunetanga - Events

Tirohia kei te pēhea te whakanui a ētahi atu i te 50 tau o te petihana reo Māori.

Check out how others are celebrating 50 years of the Māori language petition.