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Provider for Te Ahu o te Reo Māori


Te Toka Tūroa image. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated is the mandated tribal authority for Ngāti Kahungunu and formalises a kawa whanaungatanga with Kauwaka Limited. This kawa whanaungatanga is founded on mutual respect and collaboration to achieve the goals and aspirations of both entities.  The primary goal is to revitalise the language, customs, practises and histories of Ngāti Kahungunu. The iwi also supports Kauwaka’s structure which is inclusive of Ngāti Kahungunu language champions who have grown their capability through attendance at iwi language initiatives. This embodies the vision of Kahungunu, kia eke! by employing graduates of the tribal programmes. 

Te Ahu o te Reo Māori is a government initiative to improve all levels of Māori language ability across the education workforce. Kauwaka Limited is one of these providers who will be delivering Te Ahu o te Reo Māori across Te Matau a Māui and Tairāwhiti regions. The name of the programme is Te Toka Tūroa.

Te Toka Tūroa has been designed by a group of experienced language teachers, under the guidance of Dr. Jeremy Tātere MacLeod & Dr. Sir Tīmoti Kāretu. Te Toka Tūroa aims to grow the cultural capability of staff by providing them with the tools to implement te reo Māori within their classrooms and to apply a cultural worldview in the school’s practice. It also aims to create a supportive network for teachers. 

The programme caters to Levels 1-6: Levels 1-4 will cater for English-medium, and Levels 5-6 will be Kaupapa Māori/Māori-medium.

The English-medium programme will include 120 hours of face-to-face classroom learning as well as weekly online support over the 20-week period. 

The Kaupapa Māori/Māori-medium programme will be based around 2 x 4-day noho marae, accompanied by weekly online support.

Delivery Region/s

Hawkes Bay including Southern Takapau to Northern Wairoa (Nūhaka)

Start date:  20/07/2022

End date: 11/12/2022

For further details and a breakdown of levels please visit our website

Register via website:

Contact info: Kelly-Aroha Huata
