te ahu mobile v3

Te Ahu o te Reo Māori

Me reo rua rawa, tikanga rua rawa anō hoki te pūnaha mātauranga o Aotearoa New Zealand, e āhei ai ngā ākonga katoa ki te whakamahi i te reo Māori ki tētahi taumata, i a ia e ngākau pai haere nei ki te ao Māori

E tohu ana Te Ahu o te Reo Māori i te tautoko a te Kāwanatanga ki te whakapakari, ki te whakatupu hoki i tētahi ohu kaimahi mātauranga e āhei ana ki te whakamahi kia tika i te reo Māori i ia rā, ki te whakatō anō hoki i te reo Māori ki ngā akoranga o ngā ākonga katoa o Aotearoa i mua i te tau 2025.

Te Ratonga ā-Motu o Te Ahu o te Reo Māori

Kia tiakina te mātauranga ki te reo Māori

E whāia ana e te kaupapa kia tautokona ngā amorangi, ngā kaiako me ngā kaimahi hāpai mai i ngā kura kōhungahunga tae noa ki ngā kura tuarua ki te whakatupu i tō rātou āheinga me tō rātou māiatanga ki te whakamahi me te whakatō i te reo Māori ki roto i ngā akoranga o ngā ākonga katoa.

Ka whai wāhi atu ngā kaiuru ki te tūhono atu me te whai māramatanga hoki ki tētahi tirohanga ā-ao rerekē; ka pāhekoheko ki ngā tikanga ā-ahurea, ki ngā kōrero me ngā hītori e whaitake ana ki Aotearoa, otirā ki ngā akoranga o ngā ākonga katoa.

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Fostering education in te reo Māori

The initiative aims to support early learning to secondary school leaders, kaiako and support staff to grow their capability and confidence in using and integrating te reo Māori into the learning of all ākonga.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage and understand a different worldview; engage in cultural practices, narratives, and histories relevant to Aotearoa which supports the education of all students.

Hei hoa Tiriti, he herenga tō te Kāwanatanga ki te tiaki, ki te whakatairanga hoki i te reo Māori hei taonga tuku iho, koia kua mana i raro i te Tiriti o Waitangi.

He kōwhiti mana nui te pūnaha mātauranga e noho māori ai, e whanake ai anō hoki te matatautanga o te reo Māori, waihoki e taea ai e te ākonga Māori te eke panuku i roto i te ao mātauranga mā tōna tuakiri Māori tonu.

Mātua rā, ko te whakatutukinga o te panonitanga ā-pūnaha mātauranga whānui ka noho mātāmua, kia tautokona rawatia te whakatupuranga o te reo Māori me te mātauranga Māori i roto i te ao mātauranga.

Pāwhiri ki konei ki te pānui i ngā Whāinga Poto me Ngā Putanga.

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As a treaty partner, the Government has an obligation to protect and promote te reo Māori as a taonga guaranteed under the Treaty of Waitangi.

The education system is a significant lever in both normalising and growing proficiency in the Māori language, and for ensuring Māori students can succeed in education as Māori.

Achieving systemic change across the education system that directly supports the growth of te reo Māori and mātauranga Māori in education is essential

Please click here to see the Objectives and Outcomes.

Ngā Taumata o Te Ahu o te Reo Māori

E wātea ana te kaupapa nei puta noa i te whenua, ā, e aro atu ana te kaupapa ki ngā taumata katoa.

E whitu katoa ngā taumata o te anga whanaketanga, e kīia nei ko Ngā Taumata o Te Ahu o te Reo Māori, ā, e rima ōna kaupapa matua

  1. Te reo ā-iwi: ko ngā kupu, ngā kīanga, ngā karakia, ngā waiata me ngā kīwaha hoki o te iwi
  2. Te whakamahi: ko te whakangungu i te whakamahinga o te reo e tika ana mō te taiao akomanga
  3. Te wetereo: ko te tūāpapa o te wetereo me ngā tikanga reo ā-tuhi
  4. Te marautanga: ko te whakawhanake i ngā marau ako mō te rite tonutanga o ngā tūmahi me ngā ngohe
  5. Te whakarauoratanga: ko te whakamahere rautaki reo mō te kura, te kura kōhungahunga, te akomanga rānei.



Nga Taumata o Te Ahu o te Reo Maori 2021 (PDF)
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Programmes are available across the country and cater for all competency levels.

Based on a seven level te reo Māori competency framework called Ngā Taumata o Te Ahu o te Reo Māori, the five focus areas are:

  1. Local dialect – local words, phrases, karakia, waiata and sayings
  2. Use– Practise of reo use appropriate for a classroom setting
  3. Grammar– foundations of grammar and writing conventions
  4. Curriculum– development of learning content for regular activity
  5. Revitalisation– language planning for the school/ early learning services/ classroom.

Ngā Rēhitatanga

Me pēhea ahau e rēhita ai?

Ki te rēhita, kōwhiria he kaiwhakarato kei tō rohe, ā, pāwhiria tana kāri ki raro iho nei kia kitea tōna hono rēhita.

Kia mahara ake: Me whai whakaaetanga ngā rēhitanga KATOA i te kaiwhakamana tautapa o tō kura kōhungahunga, tō kura rānei.

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How do I register?

To register, select a provider in your Region and click their card below for the registration link. 

Please note: ALL registrations need endorsement from your ECE/schools delegated authoriser.

North Island Providers - find a provider near you

South Island Providers - find a provider near you

Ngā pātai auau o Te Ahu o te Reo Māori