Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora Koānga 2021
E hīkaka ana Te Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga me Whakaata Māori i te whakarewanga o ‘Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora Kōanga 2021'. Ko te whāinga kia noho te hōtaka nei hei rauemi pāho utu-kore mā ngā whānau hei tautoko i ngā ākoranga ā ngā ākonga i a rātou e noho rāhui ana i ō rātou kāinga. Mā te hunga tamariki kei ngā puna reo, ngā kōhanga reo, ngā kura kaupapa Māori, ngā kura ā-iwi, me ngā kōwhiringa reorua, reo rūmaki hoki e ako ana.
Ko Ani-Piki Tuari te kaiako matua ka tū hei kaiwhakatakoto kaupapa mō Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora Kōanga 2021, me te tautoko mai a tētahi tira – he mātanga mātauranga Māori; he kanohi rongonui hoki rātou katoa. Ka rere ngā hōtaka mai i te Mane ki te Paraire, e toru haora i ia rā, ā, ko ngā kai o roto he hōtaka e ākī ana i te oranga tinana, oranga hinengaro, oranga wairua, me te oranga whānau hoki. Arā hoki ētahi hōtaka hou kua waihangatia hei tautoko i ngā akoranga reo Māori ka whai wāhi mai.
Mātakitaki mai i te hōtaka o Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora Kōanga 2021
Ka whakapāhotia a Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora Kōanga 2021 ki te motu mā te hōngere o Te Reo (hōngere 15 Freeview, hōngere 82 Sky rānei, Vodafone TV hōngere 52 rānei), ā, ka whakaputa matawātia mā te ipurangi hei te 9 i te ata ki te 12 i te ahiahi (9am – 12pm) mai i te Mane ki te Paraire. Tirohia te wātaka o te wiki mō te roanga atu.
Wātaka Wiki 1
Wātaka Wiki 2
Wātaka Wiki 3
Wātaka Wiki 4
He whakamārama i ngā hōtaka - Kōhungahunga
Atua Maiē
A series focusing on an animated character that shapeshifts, teaching the tamariki about marae, their kāinga, and asking questions such as: What is in our moana? What rākau and kai are in the taiao/ngahere? What kind of hangarau (technology) was used by our tīpuna, and what can we use now, and how?
Kia Mau
A fun sing-along instructional multi-platform Māori Performing Arts series for tamariki.
Mahi Ora
Mahi Ora focuses on a 2D animated character that interacts with tamariki at certain identifiable locations/places (e.g. kōhanga reo, marae , wharenui, etc... The underlying key messaging will include Hauora (Health), Whakaaro (Thinking and Knowledge) through stories, whakatauākī/whakatauki and waiata, and Mana Tangata (Self-confidence)
Nuku Atua
The series will showcase Hawaiiki Tū as they tell stories about our atua Māori through Māori movement. We will explore simple themes relating to our atua Māori and give our kōhungahunga an understanding of these deities, and their role in te taiao.
Pūrākau is a children’s animated series of story time focused on Māori Myths and Legends.
“Tauhōkai will be an educational series based around body movements and yoga designed to teach kids while they are at home about ‘whakatau wairua’ and practices relating to mindfulness using breathing and actions (meditation) to support emotional wellbeing. the show will be presented by Jshana Bristow a qualified trainer who has her own business running private fitness and self love programs.”
Te Pūtaiaho
This series embraces and promotes the art of singing as part of the overall well-being of tamariki Māori. Te Pū is to identify the sources of passion within the tamaiti. Tai is the vibrations of aura within the tamaiti. Aho is the ability to connect to one’s self-belief.
Tikiti Totiki Me Ngā Hoa
Set in the rohe of Te Hiku o Te Ika where healthy living and emotional wellbeing is nurtured and cherished and where all the tamariki are encouraged to use their reo, imagination, in an environment that is led by play. We follow whanau who learn through tākaro, karakia, and waiata inspired by their tupuna of Te Hiku o Te Ika.
Tohu Haukāinga
The series showcases tamariki and mokopuna being lovingly guided by pākeke as they navigate the world around them. It aims at promote self-awareness, improving self-confidence and a sense of self-security in their place in this world. Tohu Haukāinga features both live and animated characters mimicking intergenerational communication through positive and healthy relationship building.
He whakamārama i ngā hōtaka - Kura Tuatahi
He Kōputu Waiata
He kōputu Waiata is a kapa haka series that will teach rangatahi some of Ngā Tūmanako’s most well known waiata, haka and pātere that Ngā Tūmanako have performed at various Te Matatini competitions with the added value of the composer explaining their waiata giving the audience a deeper understating of its kaupapa and linguistic nuances.
He Wai Pai
Some of te ao Māori’s songbirds unite to teach rangatahi practical skills in the art of Māori music. Our array of guest tutors cover all things from guitar progressions, to voice warm ups and how to play famous Māori songs. Waiata mai!
This engaging and entertaining short form series will teach tamariki about the traditional origins of some of their favourite foods, how to cultivate or harvest this kai from the land, lakes and sea and then how to best prepare it for eating with their whānau at home.
Ki Waho
Ko ngā atua Māori te tāhūhū o ngā kōrero, o ngā mahi - kia tahuri ake tātou ki a Tāne Mahuta, Haumie-Tiketike rātou ko Ruaumoko.
Koro KuneKune
Te Puna Ako me Koro KuneKune is a brand-new animated series featuring Koro KuneKune! Koro Kunekune likes to go to Te Puna Ako to help sustain him throughout his life - over the next ten weeks he will help guide tamariki through lessons and inter-active activities to do at home.
Kura Kāinga
Presented by Rehia Hanara, a qualified teacher, Kura Kāinga is an educational series desinged to teach kids while they are at home in isolation.
Nekehanga Mahara
This series teaches mindfulness / whakatau te wairua using breathing and actions (meditation) to support emotional well-being. The tamariki will learn postures, breathing techniques and how to meditate.
Puna Mahi
He terenga reo Māori anahe tēnei e whai ana i tētahi kōtiro he waru te pakeke me ana hārautanga i tōna ao me tōna reo. E rima rawa ngā momo Puna Mahi hei whakatutuki māna. Ko ngā Puna Mahi ko te Mahi Kāinga ko te Mahi Pūkenga ko te Mahi Māori ko te Mahi Reo ko te Mahi Tōmene
Ringa Pakia
Ringa Pakia is an exciting education series that encourages the learning of traditional kēmu Māori with our tamariki, allowing the audience at home to also participate as they follow along with us.
Tawera Fitness
Tawera Fitness is an exercise programme created by Tiare Tawera who shares his passion for health, wellbeing and support for a healthy lifestyle. The pro- gramme is designed for Tamariki to learn anatomy, health and well-being.
Te Whare Rākau
Presented by Kereti Rautangata, Te Whare Rākau is an engaging and educational learning resource that teaches mau rākau to tauira in a safe and peaceful way.
Te Whare Takataka
Tei Nohotima presents a series exploring waiata using rākau rākau and taonga Māori Pākura (2 short sticks) Tītītōrea (long stick) Rākau (body and foot move- ment), Poi (wrist and posture) and Ā-ringa (hand co-ordination.
Toi Stories will give our young viewers insight into traditional toi Māori such as carving and weaving right through to digital design. The series aims to takes them on a learning journey to see first-hand the benefits of exercising their own creative expression. Tamariki learn and develop critical skills through mahi toi and it also helps them to articulate their feelings and thoughts. Toi Stories will capture the minds of our tamariki and equip them with the basic skills they need to unleash their own, unique inner artist!
Ko Mahue Dewes tēnei te toro atu nei ki a Tangaroa, ki a Tane, ki a Haumia, ki a Rongo, ki a Maru. Ko uta, ko tai ngā akomanga, ko ngā kaitiaki taiao ngā pūkōrero, ko ngā akoranga a kui mā, a koro mā te marautanga.
Tū Kani
Tū Kani is an interactive dance workshop series that’ll lift the wairua and heart rates of rangatahi following along at home! Hosted by world champion dancer Tia Maipi, a long-standing member of Parris Goebel ‘s Royal Family.