KTA Web Hero Image With Text

Ki te Ao Mārama

He papa tūroa tēnei hei tautoko i te ako – mai i te kāinga, i te kura rānei, ahakoa ki hea.

The purpose of Ki te Ao Mārama is to be an online enduring platform that supports the continuation of learning at home and/or kura.

Tēnā koe. Nau mai ki Te Ao Mārama.

He mea waihanga tēnei paetukutuku e Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, hei papa torotoro rauemi ako, mā ngā ākonga, ngā mātua, te whānau, ngā kaiako me te hapori hoki. Hei hāpai i te whakarauoratanga o te reo Māori. Kei konei ngā rauemi hei kai mā ngā whatu, te hinengaro me te ngākau.

He kōrero atu anō

Welcome to Te Ao Mārama

The intention for Ki te Ao Mārama is to be an enduring online platform that stimulates interest and supports the increase of te reo Māori.


The tohu represents the two hemispheres of the brain. They relate to the Ki te Ao Mārama kaupapa in terms of the dawning of new knowledge for ākonga, which is something that is constantly resetting and evolving. The hemispheres of the brain speak to the hybrid learning function of the website, illustrating how the brain responds to different sensory touchpoints, including the analytical and creative parts, with a reaction and/or sensation. The colours are bright, lively and appear at that dawning hour in the sky.

Te Ako Momorua

Nā te urutā Kowheori-19 i takahuri ai te ao. Kātahi ka takahuri te āhua o te ako puta noa. Ka huri tātou ki te ako mai i te kāinga, mā te rorohiko i te kura hoki, me te tautoko o tētahi i tētahi, ahakoa noho tawhiti, noho tata rānei, ahakoa nō akomanga kē.
Ko te takune ia kia ngāwari noa te whakawhiti haere o te ako i waenga i te kura me te kāinga, i runga i te hiahia me te āhua o te noho o te ākonga me te whānau.

Ko tā Ki te Ao Marama he tautoko tonu i tēnei huarahi hou o te ako momorua.

He kōrero atu anō

Hybrid learning

Hybrid teaching and learning describes schools and kura simultaneously teaching some ākonga face-to-face on site and supporting others through distance-learning options. You could also be teaching ākonga who aren't usually in your class. Hybrid learning offers a way of designing for learning that isn’t determined by thinking about location in the first instance. The intention is to enable learners to be able to seamlessly transition between onsite and remote locations as their circumstances or needs require while continuing to receive quality learning experiences.


Taumata 1-2

Taumata 3-4

Taumata 5-6

Taumata 7-8

Whānau Resources