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Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna - Mahere Mahi Hukihuki, Draft Action Plan

He taonga te reo matatini ki tōku ao, hei ara rērere ki te ao whānui.
Te reo matatini is a treasured pathway by which to access knowledge and understanding of my world. 
Nā Wharehuia Milroy

E whai ana tēnei Mahere Mahi Hukihuki ki te whakawhanake, te whakamātautau me te whakahuatau i ngā mahi i te taha o ngā kiritaki matua kia eke ai ngā putanga kua tau mō te reo matatini me te pāngarau i roto o ia aronga. I tōna āhua whakamutunga, ka tautuhi te Mahere Mahi i ngā tūmahi matua hei whakaoti kia whiwhi i ngā mokopuna ngā āheinga kounga ki te whakauru ki ngā mahi ako, mā te whānuitanga o ngā ariā reo matatini me te pāngarau.

E whakaritea ai ngā mahi i roto i te Mahere Mahi Hukihuki kia whai whakaaro ki ngā mahi ako katoa, e pōhiritia ana koe kia uru mai ki tētahi uiui poto.

Haere ki ngā hononga uiui.


This Draft Action Plan aims to develop, test, and refine with key audiences the actions that will ensure the outcomes set for te reo matatini and pāngarau are achieved within each of the focus areas.  In its final form the Action Plan will identify the priority tasks that need to be completed to ensure mokopuna have quality opportunities to engage in learning using a range of te reo matatini and pāngarau concepts.

To ensure the actions included in the Draft Action Plan are considerate of all learning you are invited to participate in a short survey.

Aronga matua

Ka ārahina ngā mahi hei whāinga ake e tutuki ai ēnei putanga puta noa i ngā pūnaha, e ngā aronga matua e whā.

1. Kia rangatira te mokopuna

Ka nui ake te angitu a te mokopuna i te wā ka tareka e ia te kōrero i tāna i pohewa, i waihanga ai hoki;  i te wā ka whai mōrearea i te mahi ako; i te wā ka whakaaro auaha; i te wā ka mōhio ki ngā tauira me te whakamārama whānui i ngā hononga puta noa i ngā āhuatanga o tāna mahi ako i roto i te reo matatini, te pāngarau me te mātauranga, kātahi ka taea e ia te uru mārika ki te ao Māori me te ao tūroa tonu.

2. Kia rangatira te reo 

He waiwai te reo Māori ki te oranga, te huringa, me te toi whenuatanga o te Māori.  Ka angitu ake ngā mokopuna ina tautokotia rātou e tātou, mā ngā matatini o te reo, ki te whakaputa i tā rātou e whakaaro ana, e pohewa ana, e tūhura ana, e pātai ana, e matapae ana hoki.  Ko te mātau ā-reo Māori a ngā mokopuna he haumitanga ki tō rātou tipunga ā-hirikapo, e whakawhānui ana i ō rātou whiringa mō te ako anamata, te whai mahi, me ngā kōwhiringa mahi hoki.  He haumitanga hoki ki te whakarauoratanga me te whakatipuranga anō o te reo Māori.

3. Kia rangatira te whānau, hapū me te iwi 

Ko te mātauranga he urupare ki ngā tōpūtanga wawata o te reo Māori o te noho ora hei Māori.  Ka whai wāhi nui te whānau, te hapū me te iwi ki ngā mahi ako a ngā mokopuna, otirā me kite rawa i a rātou anō, me ō rātou wawata e whakaatatia ana puta noa i te pūnaha mātauranga, i runga i te tikanga e tautoko ana, e wāriu ana i ā rātou mahi, me te whakaawetanga ki te whakarauoratanga me te whakatipuranga o te reo ā-iwi, te reo ā-hapū me te reo ā-whānau.  Mā reira, ka whai wāhi ki te manawanui ā-ahurea, ā-reo o ngā mokopuna hei tūāpapa ki te whakauru ki te ao tūroa. 

4. Kia rangatira te kaiako 

He kaiako angitu ngā kaiako mā ngā mokopuna katoa.  Ka whai mātauranga ngā kaiako e mahi ana i ngā horopaki ako reo Māori e tika ana ki te tuku i ngā wheako ako i te reo matatini me te pāngarau kounga.  Nō reira, ka tino mātau ngā kaiako ki:

  • Ngā tikanga ako pai rawa
  • Te māramatanga hōhonu ki te tūnga o te aromatawai
  • Te hira o te matatau ā-wetereo me te āhei ki ngā rautaki e tautoko ana i a rātou ki te whakatinana i tēnei ki roto i ā rātou hōtaka ako
  • Te whakatinana i ngā tikanga, ngā uara me ngā whakapono o te ao Māori hei kaitāpae hakune ki tā rātou tikanga ako.
He kōrero atu anō

1. Kia rangatira te mokopuna

Mokopuna success is maximised when mokopuna can articulate what they are imagining and creating; when they can take risks in their learning; when they can be innovative in their thinking; when they can recognise patterns and generalise and describe the relationships across all aspects of their learning in and through te reo Matatini, pāngarau and mātauranga, they will be able to engage fully in te ao Māori and the global world.

2. Kia rangatira te reo 

Te reo Māori is a critical element of being, becoming and belonging as Māori. Mokopuna are best served when we support them through ngā matatini o te reo, to articulate what they are thinking, imagining, creating, discovering, questioning, and predicting. The Māori language competency of mokopuna is an investment in their cognitive growth, broadening their choices for future study, career, and work options. It is also an investment in the revitalisation and regeneration of the Māori language.

3. Kia rangatira te whānau, hapū me te iwi 

Education is responding to the collective te reo Māori aspirations of living well as Māori. Whānau, hapū and iwi are key contributors to mokopuna learning and should see themselves and their aspirations reflected across the education system in a manner that supports and values their contribution to, and influence towards the revitalisation and regeneration of te reo ā-iwi, te reo ā-hapū and te reo ā-whānau. Thereby, contributing to the cultural and linguistic confidence of mokopuna as the foundation for engaging in a global world.

4. Kia rangatira te kaiako 

Kaiako are successful teachers for all mokopuna. Educators working in reo Māori learning contexts will have the knowledge and competencies required to deliver quality te reo matatini and pāngarau learning experiences. Therefore, Kaiako will have informed knowledge of: 

  • Best pedagogy for learning and teaching 
  • Meaningful and in-depth understanding of the role of aromatawai 
  • Understand the importance of linguistic competence and have access to strategies that support them to implement this into their learning and teaching programmes 
  • How to enable te ao Māori practices, values, and beliefs as a deliberate contributor to their teaching practice.


Haere ki ngā hononga uiui

Mēnā he pātai anō āu, tēnā īmērā ki: hrmtm.action@education.govt.nz

If you have any questions, please email to: hrmtm.action@education.govt.nz



Huarahi Tutuki Whāinga Hukihuki Mō Te Reo Matatini

1. Te Reo Māori me ōna Reo Matatini 

Te whakatairanga i te uara nui o te reo Māori me te pāngarau i roto i te kura me te hapori whānui.  E whakamihi ana te rautaki i te haumitanga ki te mātau ā-reo Māori o ngā mokopuna, hei haumitanga ki te tipuranga ā-hirikapo, e whakawhānui ana i ō ratou kōwhiringa hei te anamata, me te tautoko i ō rātou kōwhiringa mahi.  Ka whai wāhi hoki ki ngā wawata o te whānau, te hapū me te iwi mō te whakarauoratanga me te whakatipuranga o te reo Māori.

2. Rangahau / Research 

Te hanga i tētahi hōtaka rangahau e hopu ana, e tautoko ana i ngā tono matua i roto i tēnei rautaki. E tūmanakohia ana kia whai mōhio ia o ngā putanga matua e 3 me ngā aronga matua e 4 e ngā mōhiohio pai, te aronga whai mōhio, ā, kia nui tonu te pānga pai rawa ki ngā tikanga whakaako a ngā kaiako, te akoranga a ngā mokopuna me ngā wawata o ngā whānau, ngā hapū me ngā iwi.


3. Rauemi Tautoko 

He hanga rauemi hei whakarato ki ngā kaiako (ngā mokopuna, te whānau, hapū me te iwi) i te wā e tika ana, i te taumata tika o te tautoko ki te whakaako, kia mārama hoki ki ngā kaupapa ako, te whakakaha i te horopaki, me te tāmau, te whakaatu hoki i te āhua me te whānuitanga o te reo matatini.


4. Hei Ako me Te Aromatawai 

Te whakarite i tētahi kaupapa aroturuki ā- motu mā ngā ākonga i ngā kura arareo Māori.  Ko te mahi ka puta i tēnei rautaki, me poutoko ki te ihomatua o te aromatawai, otirā kua whakatakotoria ki roto o Rukuhia Rarangahia, ā, me whakaatu i ngā wheako ako motuhake.


5. He Whakangungu Kaiako 

He tautoko i tētahi rautaki PLD pakari, urupare hoki, e tuku ana i te aronga me te tohutohu ki te tūranga me te wāhi o Te Reo Māori i roto i te horopaki ako mā roto i Te Reo Matatini.  Ka noho hei āhuatanga hira o te whakawhiti i tō tātou māramatanga mō te hoahoatanga anō o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.


Huarahi Tutuki Whāinga Hukihuki Mō Pāngarau

1. Te Pāngarau me ōna Reo Matatini 

Te whakatairanga i te pāngarau me tōna uara i roto i te kura me te hapori whānui.  Ka whai wāhi ngā pūkenga, mātauranga me te māramatanga ā-pāngarau ki te hirikapo a te ākonga; te whakatutukitanga ākonga puta noa i te marau; ngā kōwhiringa ako anamata; ngā kōwhiringa mahi.  Te whakarite i te urupare a te marautanga pāngarau ki te ao hurihuri.  Te whakarite i tētahi rōpū whakawhanake marautanga ki te whakahou i te marau.  E tūmanakohia ana he panoni iti noa ēnei, he tāpiritanga hoki, ehara i te whakahoutanga marautanga.  Hei tauira, te reo matatini ahumoni me te tika o te whakamahi hangarau pēnei i ngā tātaitai kauwhata, me te GPS.


2. Rangahau / Research 

Te hanga i tētahi hōtaka rangahau e hopu ana, e tautoko ana i ngā tono matua i roto i tēnei rautaki. E tūmanakohia ana kia whai mōhio ia aronga e 4 e ngā mōhiohio pai, te aronga whai mōhio, ā, kia nui tonu te pānga pai rawa ki ngā tikanga whakaako a ngā kaiako, te akoranga a ngā mokopuna me ngā wawata o ngā whānau, ngā hapū me ngā iwi.


3. Rauemi tautoko 

Te hanga i ētahi tauira tōmua o Te Tīrewa Ako e whakaatu ana i te pāhekohekotanga o te reo matatini me te pāngarau, e tāmaua ana i roto i ētahi atu wāhanga ako, kaupapa ako/ whakaaro nui hoki/rānei.  Me whakarato ngā rauemi i te taumata tika o te tautoko ki ngā kaiako ki te whakaako kaupapa ako, te whakapakari i te horopaki me te tāmau, te whakaatu hoki i te āhua me te whānuitanga o te reo matatini.


4. Hei Ako me Te Aromatawai 

Ko te mahi i takea mai i tēnei rautaki me tāumau ki te iho matua o te aromatawai i whakatakotoria ki Rukuhia Rarangahia (Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga: 2014) otirā me whakaatu i ngā wheako ako motuhenga.


5. He Whakangungu Kaiako 

Ko te tautoko i tētahi rautaki PLD pakari, urupare hoki e tuku ana i te aronga me te tohutohu i roto i te tūranga me te wāhi o Te Reo Pāngarau me ōna Reo Matatini i roto i te horopaki o te ako mā roto i Te Reo Matatini.  Ka noho hei āhuatanga hira o te whakawhiti i tō tātou māramatanga mō te hoahoatanga anō o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.


He kōrero atu anō

Huarahi Tutuki Whāinga Hukihuki

Draft Achievement Outcomes for Matatini


1. Te Reo Māori me ōna Reo Matatini 

Promote the significant value of te reo Māori and pāngarau within the kura and the wider community. The strategy acknowledges an investment in the Māori language competency of mokopuna is an investment in their cognitive growth broadening their choices for future and to support their career and work options. It also contributes to whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations for the revitalisation and regeneration of the Māori language. 

2. Rangahau / Research 

Develop a research programme that captures and supports the key propositions in this strategy. It is expected that each of the 3 key outcomes and 4 focus areas will be informed by good information, informed direction and especially make a positive impact on kaiako practice, mokopuna learning and whānau, hapū, iwi aspirations.


3. Rauemi Tautoko 

Develop rauemi that provide teachers, (mokopuna, whānau, hapū and iwi) where needed, with an appropriate level of support to teach and understand content, reinforce context, and embed and demonstrate the nature and expansivity of te reo matatini. 


4. Hei Ako me Te Aromatawai 

Establish a national monitoring project for learners in Māori medium settings. The work that is derived from this strategy must be underpinned by the philosophy of aromatawai as set out in Rukuhia Rarangahia and be representative of authentic learning and teaching experiences. 


5. He Whakangungu Kaiako 

Support a robust and responsive PLD strategy that provides direction and guidance in the role and place of Te Reo Māori within the context of learning and teaching through Te Reo Matatini. It will be an important feature of transitioning our understanding for the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.


Huarahi Tutuki Whāinga Hukihuki

Draft Achievement Outcomes for Pāngarau


1. Te Pāngarau me ōna Reo Matatini 

Promotion of pāngarau and its value within the school and wider community. Pāngarau skills, knowledge and understanding contribute to learner cognition; learner achievement across the curriculum; choices for future study; choices for career and work options. Ensure the marautanga pāngarau is responsive to the changing world. Establish a marautanga development group to look at updating the curriculum. It is envisaged that these will be small scale changes and additions, rather than a curriculum revision. For example, financial literacy and appropriate use of technology such as graphing calculators and GPS.


2. Rangahau / Research 

Develop a research programme that captures and supports the key propositions in this strategy. It is expected that each of the 4 directives be informed by good information, informed direction and especially make a positive impact on kaiako practice, mokopuna learning and whānau, hapū, iwi aspirations.


3. Rauemi tautoko 

Develop some early examples of Te Tīrewa Ako showing the integration of te reo matatini and pāngarau, embedded within other learning areas and or kaupapa ako / big ideas. Rauemi should provide teachers with an appropriate level of support to teach content, reinforce context and embed to demonstrate the nature and expansivity of te reo matatini. 


4. Hei Ako me Te Aromatawai 

The work that is derived from this strategy must be underpinned by the philosophy of aromatawai set out in Rukuhia Rarangahia and be representative of authentic learning and teaching experiences. 


5. He Whakangungu Kaiako 

Support a robust and responsive PLD strategy that provides direction and guidance in the role and place of Te Pāngarau me ōna Reo Matatini, within the context of learning and teaching through Te Reo Matatini. It will be an important feature of transitioning our understanding for the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.


He Rauemi Tautoko